The (RE)Claim Series
Movement Meditation
This is a recap of our first Movement Meditation Session for the 2024 Summer Series at Andy Arts.

(RE)Claim Elsewhere: (RE)Imagining a Sacred Space
In this captivating short documentary, community members of Greensboro, NC explore the multifaceted concept of sacredness by answering a series of thought-provoking questions. Together, we delve into the notion that our understanding of what is sacred can be both universal, shared through collective experiences and objects, and deeply personal, shaped by our individual connections and insights. Join us on this enlightening journey as part of the (RE)Claim Series, thoughtfully curated by the esteemed Elsewhere Museum.
The (RE)Claim Series was selected to be apart of Elsewhere Museum's Urban Exchange Artists Residency for the month of April 2024. During the month while residing at the museum, Chris and Ta'Rajee were able to explore the collection of acquired objects for inspiration and material for their installation. They also conducted multiple Movement Meditation sessions, Interviews community member and explored the city of Greensboro, which all contributed to the installation.
Ta'Rajee Omar and Chris Woolfolk during their artist talk and performance at Elsewhere Museum
Work is activity involving mental or physical effort in order to achieve a purpose or results. What happens once the purpose or result is manifested? What do we do with our experiences and exposures. We repurpose and we rework our efforts and energy to achieve new goals and prepare for new experiences.
The (RE)Work Series explores are performance art in collaboration with visual art moving through and around the Detroit Institute of Art.
A Space In Between (Now) 2022
Wayne State University Maggie Allesee Dance Guest Artist Residency
A Space In Between (NOW) was developed in collaboration with Wayne State University DanceCompany One dancers as they explored memory, discovery of self, connections with others and opportunities offered in the present while learning from the past and envisioning the future.
They Tried to Claim Us, But We Already Had Names 2020
"Unearthing evidence of things that are no longer seen and paying homage to the ancestors who came before us. The ReClaim Series connects participants to the history that lives around them in sharp opposition to systems of oppression."
-Juan Michael Porter III
(RE)Search 2020
We live life searching for our purpose and reasoning for existence. We find what shapes our identity and culture which influences our art. During this time of questioning we find ourselves researching new ways to live and nourish those findings. This video uses a clip from our first improvisational exploration (2019) in this researching project. What discoveries have you found on your search? What are you researching?
(RE)Live (2020)
We celebrate the joys of living and life in both physical existence and in memory through remembering moments. As we continue to live, we will relive the moments that left an impression on us. In living we celebrate now! In reliving we keep the spirits of those who are no longer with us alive. This work is an offering for those living with and impacted by HIV to celebrate life! Commissioned by UNIFIED HIV Health and Beyond/Status Sexy